About Me

GioGio: Curator and author of this entire blog. College junior, creative writer, and Jojo enthusiast extraordinaire.

This blog is, essentially, my capstone for my ENG 401A class at the University of Las Vegas Nevada. During our class, each student is to construct their own blog over the course of the semester. The objective is to make it based around a single topic, mine being Character Writing within Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure and how to apply it to one’s own Character Writing, and develop blog posts pertaining to that topic.

So why Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure? Well, for two reasons. One reason being is that I feel confident in my ability to analyze and dissect characters. What makes them work, what doesn’t make them work, how development is handled, how they’re designed, their relationships with other characters, how their roles play into the overall story, and so on in so forth. Characters are the backbone of any fictional story, both protagonist and antagonist, but making well-written, interesting, and compelling characters is a task that is far easier said than done. And that is why I want to chose Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure as my central focus in character analysis. It’s a series where Hirohiko Araki accomplishes in creating some of the most best written and characters in fiction. But even with that, I wouldn’t the first to admit that he has made some missteps as well when it comes to character writing. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure grants an opportunity to go over what works and what doesn’t work in making a fictional character.

And my second reason? Well, I just really love Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. It’s a series I’ve adored for years on end, having got into it at the start of high school. It was the only anime series I read the manga for back then and remains as one of the few I consistently keep up with when new chapters are released. If I was going to make a blog, it was going to be on something I love, so here I am.

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